Saturday, April 08, 2006

Low Carbs

It amazes me that amount of controversy that Dr. Atkins generated with his low carb diet plan. Conventional nutritionists touted low fat diets and high carbs as an approach to health. Sports nutritionists touted high carbohydrate intake as protein sparing, thereby leaving protein for muscle repair. The Paleolithic Era was one of a scarcity of carbs. The highest concentration of carbohydrates would have come from a beehive, and we know that that would have not been a daily source. Soon the "fad" has faded, but research still indicates for weight loss and health, low carb diets work. Remember that the brain requires approximately 120 g of carbohydrates for proper mental functioning. Intake of less than that involves the conversion of protein into carbs for brain fuel. So always eat slightly less than 120 grams and you will maintain an ideal weight and level of fat.

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